O Stars Above: Cancer Full Moon


Big Daddy Wields Tough Love

Endings and beginnings tend to overlap and mingle like waters at the changing of the tide. Heaven knows, astrological signs and planets are in a constant dance of beginnings, middles and endings, but a brightly-lit full moon makes clear what hides in the dark. The Full Moon in Cancer lines up with the New Year (January 1, 6:24 pm PST) and highlights a major shift.

After three years in Sagittarius, down-to-Earth Saturn moved into Capricorn (December 19) where his reality-based powers shine. After a thirty year absence, he's returned to the sign he rules and he's shaking us awake. Whether focused and productive or kicking and screaming, we will align with him, one way or the other, before he moves on (December 2020).

Saturn steadied our antics in spontaneous Sagittarius, but take note: wiggle room is official gone and fiddle-playing grasshoppers won't prosper in this cycle. Focus, time-lines, budgets, patience and discipline gather rewards under Saturn's tutelage, who wants to bless us with worldly recognition. But we must wrestle with where we fit into our community and what skills we can offer or hone. It's time to focus on doing what must be done and staying with it until our mission is accomplished. Big Daddy wields tough love – but, when he does rewards us, we can rest assured we earned it.

The first moon of this era holds clues for navigating the sea change. Mercury's forward motion says embrace expansive thoughts. The Sun and Pluto, two serious power players, traveling together remind us life doesn't last forever and there are no short cuts for integrity. The Great Mother Moon along with Venus underscores the importance of taking on goals that nourish us emotionally.

When we follow these hints, our Saturnian efforts make a life worth living even in the process.

Horoscopes January 1 to 16

Capricorn, doors are open wide and you know how to put your adult panties on and work! But, this isn't about ambition, hierarchy, or titles. Pluto in Capricorn burned those to the ground. This is about leadership power and responding to heart-needs as the work gets done. The Means are the End.

Aquarius, like Robin Williams, sometimes we need a good director who keeps us from being our own worst enemy. What would Big Daddy say directly to you? “The Age of Aquarius is barreling in and you are the leader of the age. Don't be a rebel without a cause.” Do some deep listening and rest.

Pisces, as a mystic you wouldn't think Capricorn's reality would be a good mix. But, Martin Luther King (Capricorn Sun) had a dream and lead a movement with his heart (Moon in Pisces). His powerful friends came along for the fun of an outing they called...a march. Lead fun changes!

Aries, if you're a leader making plans behind closed doors for your company or organization, read Capricorn above. It's not about your position in society, but the position of your heart and how you use it for society. Spending time with family reminds you everyone has ambitions for their loved ones.

Taurus, there's rarely been a better time for your pragmatic principles. In your plodding manner, the next three years and your work ethic put you in a good position – even if markets tumble. Keep your heart in your work and consider “giving back” on a regular basis. Show us the way.

Gemini, even the most casual relationships exchange values. Align with friends who share your values. Don't squander your hard earned experiences. They don't need you. You need them! The years ahead point toward methodical exploration of values and trust – of yourself, your friends and society.

Cancer, sweet mama, you're the natural partner to Capricorn's legacy building. Earth and water are conservative: baking takes time and building a company takes time. You can't go wild and crazy while doing real work. Remind us to keep our heart in the game. Feel the flow and find the fun.

Leo, people have no idea the work you do to bring your colleagues and day-to-day contacts grounded action and a generosity of spirit. Taking care of your health is job number one for awhile. Follow a daily routine that works for you for food, exercise and sleep. Take a long winter's nap.

Virgo, earthy-you can flourish over the next three years. You naturally work but here's an interesting twist - work needs to be fun, personal and creative. And try not to turn that into a job. Invite neighbors over for coffee, cocktails, gardening, sewing. Whatever is FUN! You can do this...

Libra, your social graces keep the community grounded. Ponder how manners and beautiful surroundings encourage listening and kindness in difficult conversations. Open your home for meetings with go-getters with ethical projects. You've got leadership and ethics with a gentle touch.

Scorpio, Jupiter expands your world and Saturn's energy supports your efforts. Strategy and focus are natural for you. Mars in Scorpio gives your pokes extra punch for the next month because you see hidden agendas. Use that info for your mission and stay with your heart.

Sagittarius, you have friends, resources, skills, tools, and character. Society is calling you to use yourself up. The invitation offers self-discovery. You can make it fun! Yes, you can stand on a mountain and jump in a squirrel suit, but going for something with more lasting value is the energy of the moment.