O Stars Above: Virgo New Moon


A Cosmic Directive to Clean-up Our Lives

The new moon of Virgo (Sept 19 at 10:30 pm PDT) falls two days shy of the Autumnal Equinox, the balance point between day-light (out there) and night-light (in here). All three personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, jump into the Sun and Moon's conference with a clear directive to clean-up our lives. Where has clutter, a little dysfunction, or a lack of order and procedure turned into a big, hairy mess? Welcome Virgo who bustles in for a little “clean up in aisle 6” of your life!

Once a year Virgo's earthy, pragmatic eye fine-tunes our lives with efficiency. Much of her skill lies in knowing how to take care of our bodies which are the temples of our souls. She's an ace at showing us the power of routine when it comes to food, rest (meditation), exercise, and work and what you can accomplish given time and repeated effort. Without Virgoan discipline you'll be surprised at what you WON'T accomplish in this lifetime!

Mercury, logical in Virgo, talks to the least logical planet, mystical Neptune, who rambles around trying to say intuition has a logic to it. Once you uncover spiritual logic, problem-solving expands into a more imaginative, holistic and successful range.

Venus in Virgo adores nature's rhythms, sunrises, sunsets and the beauty of the seasons, knowing that daily and seasonal tasks enrich our lives. She's also a big advocate for our planet, nature and ecological clean up. Active Mars seeks precision in Virgo. He's like a wily huntsman, a farmer, a cook, doctor or nurse, a weaver or artisan, who doesn't make a move until he figures out the most efficient one.

This earthy, new moon on the edge of the Equinox reminds us it is time to get out of our heads (air), our emotions (water) and dreams (fire) and be here now in our bodies and be good stewards to Mother Earth. Without either, we can't play the game of Life!

Horoscope September 19 – Oct 5

Virgo, with your prime directive at this level, you show up as your best or...pickiest self. Tend to business and let us follow. You're the dream maker. Do all the steps, the details, the work and pouf - dreams come true. When you polish the world doing “small things with great love,” your soul shines!

Libra, suddenly you're plugged into the Collective Mind in a grounded way. Grab your creative tools and just do it. Edit later, but catch the earthy breeze and get it on paper, in paint, sculpture, fashion, dinner party plans, whatever. Make it real enough you can follow the blueprint later.

Scorpio, always interested in getting down to essence and cleaning out the et cetera there's an elevated clarity and precision in you. It shows up best in pragmatic future hopes and dreams. Surround yourself with the right people in real-life dream-building. Edit the unnecessary.

Sagittarius, harness the big vision at work. You have endless energy and it's best use is in precision, efficiency and organization. Honestly, you could move a mountain this month if you can stay focused on the details. If you can't, delegate like a rock star and follow up!

Capricorn, with six planets in earth, you can make anything happen. Inspiration comes and then budgets, timelines, floor plans and employees. An executive force such as YOU knows how to focus everything in one direction. Maintain the overview and let the peons work out the details.

Aquarius, this is where the new world order meets...paperwork! The loan or grant packet, the budget, the business plan, all the bloody details. Frankly, it may be too much for your visionary mind but find the person who can get it done, and let them direct you. Important work is at hand.

Pisces, when you go too far into the mists, focusing on the task at hand saves you. Your partner may think you're a new person. Either you're handling the details yourself. Or you're helping them handle them. Either way, the partnership flourishes. Who knew? Details=Romance.

Aries, some tasks you delegate and some you have to do yourself – like taking care of your body. Only you can NOT poison yourself with the wrong food. Only you know how much is too much at work. You know what doesn't work for you! Come on, get on your own team, man!

Taurus, harness this Virgoan and the field will be plowed. Focus on the details of being yourself, having fun and living from your heart in the most hands on ways you can. You are a master at grounding energy and you can accomplish MUCHO now. Giddy-up, little bull!

Gemini, you and Virgo share Mercury's skills. You go get the info and the Virgo in you organizes it so you can find it later. Hardcore documentation, specifications, memos, interview notes, diaries, lists, etc. help you stay on track and create a solid foundation. Slow down and categorize.

Cancer, as far as your neighborhood is concerned, you know everyone and everything that's happening. You consider these people family. But giving them a constant stream of motherly advice may get you sent to the time out corner. If you come bearing instructions, bring cookies.

Leo, organize the opportunities coming your way after an academy-award winning month. You need a humdrum strategy to turn personal appearances into financial opportunities. Contact any acquaintances who are six degrees from the Kevin Bacon of your dreams and expect results.