O Stars Above: Aquarius New Moon - Solar Eclipse



Awakening the Path between Head and Heart

The winds of change howl when eclipses are waking us up. However the time from one eclipse to the next one, fourteen days later, is a bit of betwixt and between. The lunar eclipse (January 31) granted us a chance to glimpse outdated wounds from our past which inhibit us in ways we normally can't see. Seeing beyond the veil of our everyday, knee-jerk reactions lets us reset our emotions. With this brighter awareness we can make different decisions in moving forward although that can come after the second eclipse.

The solar eclipse (February 15 at 1:05 pm PST), the monthly new moon, uses the emotional reset of the eclipsed moon to reset the sun's impulses. Aquarius' cooler emotions and ability to detach brings unseen possibilities, broader adventures and a return of our personal zest!

In an extraordinarily long period with no planets in retrograde motion, the momentum for moving forward down our path surprises us as we dare take the fork in the road that feels right and pick up speed. After abandoning the the path of resistance, the long, exhausting and unrewarding one, we remember that the path between the head and the heart is the shortest. The re-energized heart instinctively chooses right action.

Mercury travels with the Sun and Moon. This trio feels the sizzle of Uranus, ruler of Aquarius and the Higher Mind, igniting innovative, and evolutionary thoughts in lightening-bolt style. Aquarius, the last air sign, sends a clarion call for us to step into a more mature mind, one capable of holding dichotomies, koans and diverse points of view and knowing that all have a valid point - and a place at the table of humankind.

All we have to do is climb out of fixed and rigid ruts and be Bearers of Light.

Horoscopes February 15 to March 1

Aquarius, your work and open doors lie where the resistance is in you. Who do you think might not deserve a place at the table? Well, sit right down beside them (an older, established authority figure?) and prepare to discover your fear, open your heart and make a new ally.

Pisces, Venus bridges the gap between humans and idealism. Or is that fantasy? Take a bit of a retreat to consider how deep the wounds go that keep you feeling isolated, like a fish out of water. Claim your humanity or risk being your own worst enemy. Bring compassion to the messy.

Aries, your energy is pumping! Remember the game is about how you fit into the tribe, not about being an island! Use your inspiration, sense of adventure and courageous heart to go where you avoid, where angels fear to tread. Dedicate your actions to the whole of mankind!

Taurus, resistance is your Achille's heel and being stuck in your own reality is shooting yourself in the foot. Allies encourage you to feel the wound and heal. Trust your pragmatic sense of rightness and risk caring and compassion. Humbly write a check to Fishline to pass Go!

Gemini, feeling dull? Break up your routine to catch the flash of new thoughts. Get out of Dodge even if it's just a road trip to Sequim! Call your most adventurous buddy and engage in a brainstorm of wild ideas for humanity. Your mission is to keep ideas alive until their time comes.

Cancer, the cool Aquarian moon depersonalizes emotions so you can see universal patterns and law. You can take things so personally, you pinch compassionate feelings off. Take time to explore the tender, hidden places you rarely glimpse. How do you use them to isolate?

Leo, frankly, it's about your marriage partner. Even the people closest to you have childhoods full of emotional bumps and bruises. Get off stage and tend to your wounds. A little detachment opens the constraints of marriage to fresh breezes and new collaborations. Let them be a star in your world!

Virgo, revolution/evolution hits your work arena and daily habits. Recent scientific revelations inspire you to tweak routines. How's your nervous system? You're a head sort and busy cogitating even when you don't know it. Stay in your body and create real results.

Libra, your PR person says you long for relationships. Maybe. Or maybe they are too messy for your idealism. Is it easier to detach and stay above the fray? Jump into the mess, fall in love, have an affair. Ultimately you'll learn something about your heart. Care for your body's vague issues.

Scorpio, arrrgghhh, go deep or go home. What a royal pain - because it's at home and in your roots, childhood, mom, women and ancestors where the rub lies. The right viewpoint turns this into a grand adventure of self-discovery! Of all signs you can shed old skin and rebirth a shiny new one.

Sagittarius, to know truth is to share truth. Quiet times ignite generous aha moments as healing moves in. A personal, inspired view of how local, personal behavior impacts the globe moves you from philosophical ponderings to actions like writing and communicating. Sow your seeds far and wide.

Capricorn, (last - but not to be left out!) after a few years plodding along behind the scenes, you're on fire. You see the changes that move you forward and those that are a waste of time. It's a brilliant insight about how your human mind/heart is your greatest, most pragmatic resource.