O Stars Above: Capricorn Full Moon

Note: Last month, the millennial astrologer, Aubrey Perkins, wrote the Forecast for the Full Moon in Sagittarius as a guest columnist. Your feedback agreed with my love of her youthful take on the cosmic dance and her sparkling writing. So I invited her back. Enjoy!

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Only Time

As I settle down to write this article and attempt to collect my thoughts as they buzz around, while overwhelmed by all of the work I’ve done lately, and dreading how much more work I have lined up, suddenly, a particular song ear-worms into my awareness seemingly out of nowhere. Enya's song, “Only Time” floods in with the ethereal Irish songstress pondering, “Who can say where the road goes? Where the day flows? Only time.”

At this moment I wake up to this Capricorn full moon’s lesson: time. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who is sometimes referred to as the task master, the steamroller, or the Grandfather of time. It can represent our greatest lessons in life and requires a tremendous amount of effort to master. Capricorn takes the long view and thinks in terms of legacy while life's time is eaten up with minutia, and squirrels.

Full moons highlight the work we’ve been doing, whether in reality or the spirit, and matches it with other needs and longings. Our inner and outer worlds meet in this monthly climax and imbalances between them are revealed.

This rings especially true with this Sun-Moon match up (June 27, 9:53 pm PDT) because the moon is far out of its comfort zone in Capricorn and hemmed in by it's ruler, Saturn. The moon rules the emotional, inward-looking nurturer, Cancer, where the summer sun now sits. Energy may feel backwards as the feminine Cancer in the masculine Sun asks if we are nurturing our true emotional needs.

Generally, the moon’s nature asks this of us but tied up with Capricorn's focus on the many tasks at hand it can't dilly-dally with such a question. The emotional, cozy nature of the moon in this tough sign may have us feeling out on the cold edge of separation and isolation.

While Saturn’s influence can be painted as a malefic presence, we often overlook how generous his rewards can be. This Saturn-influenced moon advises us to give our best, work hard, strive for mastery, and in return, he gives feedback in a tit-for-tat manner showing us the truth of our efforts.

Adding to the general edginess is Mars who went retrograde yesterday. His outer action orientation shifts to inner world duties and feels constricted. It's all stop-action with the emphasis on stop. This two-month retrograde gives us time to sort out action that's meaningful for us from chaotic, undirected busyness.

(But wait, there's more!) The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune perform a lovely, synchronized swim routine, where tender feelings come to the surface. Healing and forgiveness are possible. The moon's no-nonsense nanny, Saturn, side-kick suddenly reveals its true purpose. We guided in being an extremely adult moment in the emotional land of our, bratty inner children. Hold the tension of emotions, give it time and answers appear.

This moon shows us the cost of living out of balance and dragging along unfinished business either emotionally- or reality-wise,. The outer and inner world both need their due. At last, we are growing up, taking emotional responsibility and tending to the real business of life. Manage our life's time well and complete our tasks and we can rest easy, book a massage and chill out to the dreamy Celtic stylings of Enya.

Horoscopes June 27 – July 12

Cancer, shine your light into the world because spouses and dear ones may be missing cues about your personal needs. Fill up on applause from those who adore you – even if from a far. They, like Gibran says, have a better view of the mountain (you) from a distance than those walking the path with you. Yes, you are water-y, but you are a mighty mountain, too.

Leo, you are sending out the “I love myself in my life” vibes, and, voila - everyone loves you back. You don't need to perform just find your golden heart and share its warmth. On the other hand, colleagues may be under-appreciative and you feel growl-y at work. Practice serving the common good for the moment. Yea, that adult-ing thing!

Virgo, at the best of times play and fun are hard for you – and this is the worst of times. However, your general network appreciates you and they can be the wind beneath your wings, or at least the reality check you need to lighten a dull cloud of futility. This too will pass and it shows where to make course corrections. Take notes in the midst of it to act on later.

Libra, home is where heaviness lies and your sun shines at work. Those polished, diplomatic skills you use easily for others need to application in your inner world to find your balance. This is an adult balancing act. Go where you are warmly received and bask in the ambiance of simple kindness and a cup of tea handed to you by a dear one.

Scorpio, even using your best communication skills it feels like you're speaking in code and no one is receiving. On top of it all, Mars is plowing up the peaceful land of home stirring hidden desires, passions, resentments and repressions. Thank goodness, you are a strategist with patience. Go out among the people and cultivate opportunities.

Sagittarius, shared values are making you feel like your values don't count for much. Are the purse strings held too tight around what you need to feel secure, to move forward with heart-felt projects or just have a bit of fun? Behind the scenes beneficial workings occur when you spread abundance among those who need justice. A little quiet helps you take a broader view.

Capricorn, ambition, perseverance, boundaries and self-discipline are right up your alley but weigh heavy on your heart for the moment. Figure in compassion and caring for others – and yourself – in our plan of mastery. If you can't extend kindness to yourself, your partner may be doing it for you. It's not particularly their job, but watch and learn.

Aquarius, man, karma is a pain! It may not even be your personal karma which seems soooo unfair, but you live in a time-span where the past figures heavily into your present and future. Summer slows you down with Mars in Aquarius retrograde for two months. Old habits pop up like mushrooms in a wet field. A coming eclipse resets your emotional patterns. Pay attention to yourheart!

Pisces, friends are in tough emotional shape and you may be right there with them. Help if you can - but this is not a time to sacrifice yourself. Jumping into the ocean to save someone when you can't swim only creates two tragedies. It's hard to tell who really needs help and who is a constant victim. Unless you're a life-guard, take time for recreation and play to renew yourself.

Aries, go home if you can because work is just too much right now and a lack of gratitude and appreciation isn't inspiring you. Home is struggling under this full moon, too, but if you can bolster the spouse and kids, it may remind you why you do what you do. Your ruler, Mars, went retrograde/on vacation, too, you might as well cool your jets this summer.

Taurus, as you start an eight year renovation on shaking it up, baby, narrow horizons may be weighing you down and bringing little reward. Walk your talk and shine your light on those you love. Love them until you can see them light up! Talk about family, tradition, roots and build memories of fun together through bonding experiences.

Gemini, here's your yearly review of what makes you feel safe and secure physically, emotionally and financially. Friends and family count but don't sell your personal needs out in the rush to be part of the group. Consult with financial and legal consultants and tidy up your records. Details, details, details - feels heavy to a Gemini.