O Stars Above: Cancer New Moon

Summer's Nurturing Bounty - pexels.com

Summer's Nurturing Bounty - pexels.com

A Social Grasshopper, a Rowdy Teen and a Healing Breeze

In the summertime, the birds sing and everything...and just like that, summer's here! The Solstice sun stands at the peak of its journey to the light, taking in the green earth, blue waters, flowering gardens, beaches, and family outings, and then turns toward winter solstice and darkness.

But – but – wait! Sunshine, hot dogs and fireworks just arrived! Can't we fiddle and dance away our ninety days of summer like the grasshopper? Maybe! Both the solstice and new moon in Cancer (June 23, 7:30 pm PDT) charts promise an especially rambunctious, gad-about season filled with family, fun and a few emotional missteps. (Oops!)

Cancers, born under the sign of the Great Mother, get assigned the job of mothering everyone. But in truth, no one knows what truly feeds our hearts like we do. Only we know what makes us feel safe and allows us to live with open hearts. Deep nurturing is a gift only we can give ourselves. Living this truth is a tremendous step toward emotional maturity.

Mars bangs around in us like a teenager, gangly and out of control, barreling into life, knocking vases over, stepping on the cat's tail, slamming doors. He takes things personally, leads with his pride and bursts into intermittent, emotional snits. This inner kid needs focus and personally driven missions!

Summer brings a healing breeze and asks that we guide our inner teens, also in Cancer, to higher levels of emotional intelligence. Focusing our Mars on the courage to heal, nurture and protect our hearts makes us, like Marines in Haiti, powerful participants and caring advocates for all hearts in our families, tribes, towns, nations and world.

The Great Mother offers a summer re-birth in nourishing ourselves. Filling up with high octane emotional 'juice' sends us on our journeys with compassionate hearts. The world needs that kind of action, and so do we.

Horoscopes from June 23 – July 8

Cancers, you may normally feel a bit shy, but this month has you stage-center giving and receiving kindnesses, thinking, acting and talking about caring for your family and the family of humanity. Stick with family and friends return the nurturing, and release those who don't!

Leo, behind the scenes, deep in the collective consciousness, activities abound and you are tuned into the exact station. Step way back from your busy life. Drink lemonade on the porch, smell the roses, take a nap in the hammock. Listen. Watch. Read the symbols!

Virgo, in your quiet way you care for a huge network of folks. Schedule plenty of time to take care of them and notice how that feeds your heart. You may be rallying the cause for public policy about caring for others. Partner up and feel the glow of service.

Libra, part of your charm lies in the way you care for your work colleagues. Take time alone in your (well-decorated) cave contemplating the solid values in life, art and beauty that are worth your time and attention. Don't use your partnerships for anything less worthy.

Scorpio, get out of the cave and look toward the horizon for inspiration. Strategies and deep thinking takes a back seat to awakening to your personal emotional intelligence. How wide is the divide between your feelings and actions? Walk your talk from a heart-felt place.

Sagittarius, the full moon's work deepens with this new moon. This is a lesson in power: between you and your spouse, psychological acumen and the power of emotional currency. Are you investing your heart in your circle of friends and colleagues? Hmmm....

Capricorn, our ambitions take us only as far as our relationships help us. How are yours? Are you expecting too much, or too little? This month takes you to the heart of the matter: hidden regrets, debts and duties. In not sharing your true feelings, you could be your own worst enemy.

Aquarius, give your mind a break and work on your body. Yep, food, exercise, sleep do count! As an experiment, try 'feeling what routines works for you. Forget cutting edge and do what feels good so consistency becomes easy - in action and not just theory.

Pisces, play time! Whatever that means to you. If you aren't having fun, Fun, FUN, you are off track. You should shine, feel cared about, light up in conversation and feel emotionally feisty! Hmmm – that sounds like a romance! Fall in love with whatever and if someone else is involved, yahoo!

Aries, bottom line, your heart is at home! As well as the whole fam-damily! Gather in the clan, play with the kids, grill b-b-que on the patty. This is why you go out to be the great hunter so don't miss the pay-off. No family? Really? Claim the ones you love – related or not!

Taurus, friends galore want to spend time with you. They love you and want to hang. Neighbors, siblings, cousins, students, teachers, the barista at your latte stand – they light up when they see you. Haven't notice? Just watch - this is currency unlike any other - and the only kind that counts!

Gemini, what a wild and glorious birthday month! YOU create this crazy thing called life and if you don't like it, you of all people can change it. The important part is putting your heart as well as your delicious mind into the game. This may not sound logical, but it is true. The heart counts!