O Stars Above: Cancer New Moon

Summer's Nurturing Bounty - pexels.com

Summer's Nurturing Bounty - pexels.com

A Social Grasshopper, a Rowdy Teen and a Healing Breeze

In the summertime, the birds sing and everything...and just like that, summer's here! The Solstice sun stands at the peak of its journey to the light, taking in the green earth, blue waters, flowering gardens, beaches, and family outings, and then turns toward winter solstice and darkness.

But – but – wait! Sunshine, hot dogs and fireworks just arrived! Can't we fiddle and dance away our ninety days of summer like the grasshopper? Maybe! Both the solstice and new moon in Cancer (June 23, 7:30 pm PDT) charts promise an especially rambunctious, gad-about season filled with family, fun and a few emotional missteps. (Oops!)

Cancers, born under the sign of the Great Mother, get assigned the job of mothering everyone. But in truth, no one knows what truly feeds our hearts like we do. Only we know what makes us feel safe and allows us to live with open hearts. Deep nurturing is a gift only we can give ourselves. Living this truth is a tremendous step toward emotional maturity.

Mars bangs around in us like a teenager, gangly and out of control, barreling into life, knocking vases over, stepping on the cat's tail, slamming doors. He takes things personally, leads with his pride and bursts into intermittent, emotional snits. This inner kid needs focus and personally driven missions!

Summer brings a healing breeze and asks that we guide our inner teens, also in Cancer, to higher levels of emotional intelligence. Focusing our Mars on the courage to heal, nurture and protect our hearts makes us, like Marines in Haiti, powerful participants and caring advocates for all hearts in our families, tribes, towns, nations and world.

The Great Mother offers a summer re-birth in nourishing ourselves. Filling up with high octane emotional 'juice' sends us on our journeys with compassionate hearts. The world needs that kind of action, and so do we.

Horoscopes from June 23 – July 8

Cancers, you may normally feel a bit shy, but this month has you stage-center giving and receiving kindnesses, thinking, acting and talking about caring for your family and the family of humanity. Stick with family and friends return the nurturing, and release those who don't!

Leo, behind the scenes, deep in the collective consciousness, activities abound and you are tuned into the exact station. Step way back from your busy life. Drink lemonade on the porch, smell the roses, take a nap in the hammock. Listen. Watch. Read the symbols!

Virgo, in your quiet way you care for a huge network of folks. Schedule plenty of time to take care of them and notice how that feeds your heart. You may be rallying the cause for public policy about caring for others. Partner up and feel the glow of service.

Libra, part of your charm lies in the way you care for your work colleagues. Take time alone in your (well-decorated) cave contemplating the solid values in life, art and beauty that are worth your time and attention. Don't use your partnerships for anything less worthy.

Scorpio, get out of the cave and look toward the horizon for inspiration. Strategies and deep thinking takes a back seat to awakening to your personal emotional intelligence. How wide is the divide between your feelings and actions? Walk your talk from a heart-felt place.

Sagittarius, the full moon's work deepens with this new moon. This is a lesson in power: between you and your spouse, psychological acumen and the power of emotional currency. Are you investing your heart in your circle of friends and colleagues? Hmmm....

Capricorn, our ambitions take us only as far as our relationships help us. How are yours? Are you expecting too much, or too little? This month takes you to the heart of the matter: hidden regrets, debts and duties. In not sharing your true feelings, you could be your own worst enemy.

Aquarius, give your mind a break and work on your body. Yep, food, exercise, sleep do count! As an experiment, try 'feeling what routines works for you. Forget cutting edge and do what feels good so consistency becomes easy - in action and not just theory.

Pisces, play time! Whatever that means to you. If you aren't having fun, Fun, FUN, you are off track. You should shine, feel cared about, light up in conversation and feel emotionally feisty! Hmmm – that sounds like a romance! Fall in love with whatever and if someone else is involved, yahoo!

Aries, bottom line, your heart is at home! As well as the whole fam-damily! Gather in the clan, play with the kids, grill b-b-que on the patty. This is why you go out to be the great hunter so don't miss the pay-off. No family? Really? Claim the ones you love – related or not!

Taurus, friends galore want to spend time with you. They love you and want to hang. Neighbors, siblings, cousins, students, teachers, the barista at your latte stand – they light up when they see you. Haven't notice? Just watch - this is currency unlike any other - and the only kind that counts!

Gemini, what a wild and glorious birthday month! YOU create this crazy thing called life and if you don't like it, you of all people can change it. The important part is putting your heart as well as your delicious mind into the game. This may not sound logical, but it is true. The heart counts!

Stars Above Kitsap/Aries New Moon

The winter stars conspired to heal us 'come hell or high water'! But, the song the robin sings is in the key of life encouraging us to express our authentic selves. With two eclipses in harmony with the new moon in Aries on April 18 at 11:56 AM, courage and energy bubble over assisting us in doing what must be done – be true to ourselves!

The fresh energetic pathways opened over winter make old friendships, marriages, schedules, structures, finances, etc., that were not working before the eclipses almost unbearably painful. Be brave and let the broken and unsustainable go, go, go! Choose to fill up with the exuberance of your particular brand of Life-force.

The opportunity maker, Jupiter, dances us on down the road to a brighter horizon. Make your choices carefully, then slow down, and nourish them into fruition. (Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.)

Capricorns, Cancers, Libras and Aries took the brunt of the great Pluto/Uranus square. (Expect special stars in your heavenly crown when you reach the Pearly Gates!) On April 16th, Pluto begins to retrace the ground just covered until next January. We can use this time to clear out old gunk and clutter that's been revealed while contemplating what has occurred in our culture and lives.

Uranus in Aries insists we free ourselves from the pain of not being who we are – which can express as mean, greedy, scared little bullies – even to ourselves. (Moi?) Give it up and let it go. Be you. Be you everywhere you go. Be radiant. Be active on your own behalf. Be courageous and be a warrior for the Soul that lives in you.

With Mercury and Mars in slow-down Taurus, and Venus speeding ahead in gad-about Gemini, the spring festival is on! Feel the warming of the sun on your body, eat drink and be merry! But keep your eyes open for sustainable ideas that bring growth, and more pleasure in being alive. In a word, simplify.

Horoscopes for April 18 – May 3
Note: if you know your rising sign or moon sign, check those out too.

Aries, this new moon offers a mature self-awareness about what it means to be an Aries. The invitation is to give and receive in equal measure, and take action on your behalf – while considering others. Innocence (not naivete), focused action and others! Got it? Go!

Taurus, access past actions in light of what can be accomplished and keep going. Ideas coming to you now, what to do, who to call, are easy to follow because they align with who you are. Explore even newer ideas and the ways they arrive – you're pragmatic but spirits speak to you, too.

Gemini, the playful, 'get out and see and be seen' season is edging into your sign. Oh, what fun! You are leading with love and people respond in kind. Listen to the whispers of dreams and pay attention to grounded ideas coming in. Look for leading-edge groups to join.

Cancer, you, dear heart, find balance in receiving. Let others fill your heart and as you feel revitalized, tend to yourself. Who is pulling on you, taking too much – maybe at work? If you can't see it, ask, “How is my health?” Self-mothering is the lesson - not mothering others.

Leo, like the sun at noon - we see you! Be radiant and courageous enough to risk putting down the mask. No 'roles'. No drama. No strutting your stuff. All that is too much. Being YOU inspires everyone else to find their true voice, too. Lead by being, Sunshine!

Virgo, you're deeply entrenched with personal reclamation building a more secure platform for standing in the world. Be easy as you pick up one 'good' idea, one 'important' belief, one 'should' after another and - discard it. Choose what works for you and everything else will line up.

Libra, liberate yourself from outdated ideas about relating and/or cut the cord with folks who have traveled along side you for too, too long. Values and beliefs are splitting you in half. (Are you having health issues? Your body knows.) Enough already – speak up for yourself - even if it's messy!

Scorpio, Mars leads the parade into your house of partners where all the happenings are taking place. Shared and personal resources may be at cross purposes. Playing or doing your creative thing can bring clarity to the relationship issues. People see you and are applauding - take a bow!

Sagittarius, boundaries can set the scene for future expansion. Mindfulness, fun and daily routines are prep work towards a big shift. Daydreaming and puttering at home brings calm and insight. Stuffiness and pontificating (look it up!) aren't helpful! Less is more. Really.

Capricorn, clear out ancestral clutter - old pieces of furniture as well as deep patterns of thoughts. Dig out a space to create an expanded future. There is no way around this - Saturn, our Big-Daddy, is going to keep at it until you get down to essence. Come on, once you start, it's fun!

Aquarius, your ideas for the future and humanity are wanted and needed. What a happy cross-roads! Keep it real at home and bow to your roots. Natural partners are joining in - co-create, collaborate, teamwork, so spread the word! It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...

Pisces, you are a natural at straddling two worlds: the 'real' one and the one of mystery. Help us empower heart-felt experiences as a major cultural course correction begins. Busy as you are, quiet time is mandatory to hear the gentle inner sage. Phone h-OM-e!

Stars Above Kitsap/Pisces New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Congratulations! You made it through last week's fireworks, however, getting to the new moon eclipse on March 20 will be a continuing drama. The energy is like rush hour on a subway where people take every bump and jostle personally and react with Uzis! Pick your fights carefully, and remember the hardest person to manage in these energetic times may be yourself.

Behind this uproar is the March 16 finale of an epic drama featuring Pluto, the god of earthquakes, and Uranus, the god of lightening. Who's winning? Who knows? But the trauma of dis-integration has been spread from individuals to governments. The prediction is that ideas and actions that have been on-again and off-again will get either the green light or simply die in the light of new clarity.

So what's it all about, Alfie? In a word, growth. Sometimes it takes a disaster to shake us out of self-induced trances, so we can face the ways we have bound ourselves up and lost our true path. It's wild energy, but it is only energy. How we use it matters. We can damage ourselves and others or use it to move to higher ground gaining self-knowledge, truth and compassion.

The eclipse itself happens at the last gasp of winter activating an energetic path where we see our next right actions. The moon passing in front of the Sun interrupts egocentric willfulness (Sun) and allows access to deep feelings (Moon) about what our current path costs us. Will we continue paying the price of over-stressed health, time, relationships, good humor? Or are we ready to stop the madness and change? Schedule quiet receptive time on the first day of spring and see what visions open up. Then get up and get moving. With six out of ten planets in fire signs, shake, rattle and roll, baby!

March 13 to April 4

Pisces, the eclipse is your big moment on March 20. Breathe intention, trust and faith into it. Be the wizardess you are and use the fire power to materialize a new you full of visions, creativity and personal power. You may be quiet, but you are no wimp. Ride your dragon.

Aries, soldier-person, the grand trine in fire is no time to lose focus. Slow down and see where your sixth-sense says to go. If things aren't working where you are, after March 16, you may have to re-invent yourself. Don't break your ram's horns on brick walls - you have too much to offer.

Taurus, welcome home Venus. People (you don't even know) love you - so lead with your body and put yourself out there. Knock, knock on every door and watch them open. You may not know the end game but insights abound enroute on how to move with the opportunities.

Gemini, float a little to see what connections your unconscious is making in your career sector - which makes no logical sense anyway. Unexpected changes operating in your broad network are taking care of business. Chattiness is a great tool for you. Talk away, gf, but pay attention.

Cancer, your sensitive-self must conjure up assertive action to deal with the fireworks in the boardroom and demands on your desk. Ideas beyond your comfort zone can payoff at work. If you go missing in action over the next month, it will be noticed. Use your shell-armor and those claws, missy.

Leo, the spring eclipse welcomes you to the broadest playing field you can imagine. Literally. The action is out there...way, way out there! It's a kiss to your career and sense of self. Build the structures you need to hold all the creative manifestations you are cooking up. Darn, this is fun!

Virgo, secrets and shadows emerge from behind private doors. Intimacy and shared values move up a notch and you must be honest to get what you want. A vacation would give a positive lift. Sleep, meditation, yoga, receptive opens you to your guardian angel. A list is useless for the moment.

Libra, sometimes you going toe-to-toe with your soul-mate or best buddies creates peace. Stand up for yourself and trust your true partners. Shadow-issues emerging from your basement could be causing trouble. Everyone is pushing for fuller self-expression and it can be messy. Speak up for you!

Scorpio, enjoy a little sweetness with your honey while the frenzy in the back room at work gets even more frenetic. Out front, be positive and expect good things. Use your strategic sense while whispering in the right ear about what's rotten in Denmark. Not that you'd want to be Iago...

Sagittarius, there is a certain gravitas about you that may attract more responsibility. Don't accept if it doesn't further your goals. Wildly creative, use everything you've got to jockey yourself into position to shine. Steady down and plan a year that can really put you in professional nirvana.

Capricorn, in your on-going transformation the god's finale in your home center forces you to look far back to childhood. If it wasn't what you wanted then, hang a few pinatas and hit 'em till candy, sparkles and a second childhood springs to life. Make home what you always wanted!

Aquarius, use your words and curb your tongue. Figure out what you really want to say and the best way for phrasing it. Communication counts big time and has resounding effect. Everyday encounters can lead you to a true partner. Partnership and home is where the magic lives.


Stars Above Kitsap | Third Week in February

If you have ever been caught in a tidal change, you know the power of such moments. We are in the midst of a 2,600-year shift in ages which moves backwards through the signs. We are graduating from the Age of Pisces and taking on the Age of Aquarius’ mission of innovation and inclusion.

Additionally, Aquarius is the sign that has the honor this year of presenting us with two new moons instead of only one. We get a second look at our Aquarian initiation. This second one occurs Feb. 18 at 3:37 p.m. and DO NOT BLINK! Instantly the moon moves to Pisces. Two minutes later (not long enough to make yourself a latte) the sun parades into Pisces too.

We dive from the airy intellectual heights of Aquarius into the soft, fluid feeling world of Pisces in this flash flood of change. The highest Piscean principle is eloquently stated by Chief Seattle. “All things share the same air — the beast, the tree, the man.” This is the experiential arena of connecting to our heart-brain where we are all one.

This Aquarian/Pisces theme forces us to contemplate our security as individuals and as a society to step into an invisible, multi-dimension calling us to interdependence and interconnectedness?

Whether or not we consciously feel this sea change, the times they are a changin’. Seriously.

Feb. 18 to March 5

Aquarius, without going all preachy-preachy, get creative about how to bring your broad-mindedness into your professional life. Open your mind, flow to your heart and ahhhh, feel that tidal pull? It’s a more inclusive and caring perception you need before you can make progress.

Pisces, five planets in Pisces are on stage, but your get-up-and-go moves to Aries tomorrow. Tides muddy the water as they push and pull toward shore. Your co-workers need your unerring, fluid senses to align with the bigger picture. It may be illogical, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work!

Aries, your ruling planet, Mars, arrives home Feb. 19. Proceed with care. With Uranus, the god of sudden chaos also in Aries, pick your battles. Knee-jerk reactions are not helpful. Are you working for the people or for your ego? Maturity can help but even MacBeth made a big mistake on this one, and the witches warned him! Contemplate and feel it in your gut.

Taurus, your ruler, Venus, runs after Mars into Aries on Feb. 21. This action takes place in your blind spot along with that lightning god, Uranus. You’ll be walking the fine line between imagination and the edgy ego when all you wanted was a down-to-earth action plan. Count to 10, then to a hundred. Breath and trust the backroom action. It’s coming …

Gemini, TGMID (short for “Thank God, Mercury is Direct”) and two personal planets in Aries, you are cleared for takeoff. Any trip, even a short one, can bring clarity. Your gift for logic taps into the ebb and flow of public needs. Fill those needs and watch your endeavors prosper.

Cancer, find some quiet for the arrival of this new moon. You could experience the allness, the oneness. When God speaks, take good notes because then it’s back to chopping wood and carrying water — but, oh, baby, it’s a whole new world. Seriously, make a date with this new moon.

Leo, you little firebaby. With five planets in watery Pisces on Feb. 17-18, you are out of your element. Water extinguishes fire. Or could it be like the quickening, a spark of life in the amniotic waters. Soften and be still — a deep healing and a rebirth is underway.

Virgo, Mercury direct could bring new colleagues, pets or protocols — whatever — the motion is forward. Murky feelings about partners or a close friend could be kicked up. Bide your time and hone your focus. What does the marriage need? A trip? Alone or together? Take off after Feb. 18.

Libra, your ruler, soft, gentle Venus is off to Aries-Land where the “I” is in opposition to the “thou” and Mr. Mars in Aries will not leave it alone. You will serve the needs of your near and dear this month. A friend could be edging into a fling. Boundaries in dividing work duties are leaky.

Scorpio, Mars in Aries is pointed, active, revolutionary, and personal — you totally get Aries. This energy shows up at work where teamwork goes out the window, but you look good to the boss. Interoffice politics work for you. The personal areas of your chart are bubbling with activity

Sagittarius, Saturn and your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, tone down your natural active energy. There is so much going on deep in your personal life. Well, observation and experience trump being in your head. Buckle down and pick your words carefully.

Capricorn, ambition is best used when used for the betterment of all. Upgrade your reading, talking and learning to be as spiritual a leader as you are an organizational one. This is the energy signature of Martin Luther King Jr. Feel what is right and just, and do that. You are getting an overhaul in how to use personal power to empower the group.

Age of Aquarius Flies in on Wings of the Sea Hawks

Who'd have thought the long awaited Age of Aquarius would arrive as a demonstration of shining possibilities by a football team. Yes, we won the NFC Championship in a dramatic string of miracles but what we truly witnessed was the principles of Aquarius in dynamic action.

During my moments of doubt, mid-fourth quarter, I entertained myself with the Sea Hawks' astrological chart wondering what the stars had to say?

The Seahawks are born under the heroic sign of Leo. But, standing beside the Sun is Saturn, the taskmaster. In order for Leo to shine, Saturn demands blood, sweat and tears, even failure. Give him his due, however, and expect radiance!

With nothing happening on the field to back up my analysis, I said, “The team chart says these guys are going to the Super Bowl, again. I don't get how, but it's their destiny!”

Meanwhile, time ticked off the game clock. On the sidelines, Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch talked intensely. They locked eyes and shook hands aligned in some scheme. Wilson's Leo moon matches up with the Seahawks' sun, and the Beast's moon aligns with the Libra moon in the team's chart. Many of the team will have associations like these to the Seahawks and they all spell destiny.

The Seahawks must have earned Saturn's approval because something stepped in - luck, angels, fate, Uranus - and in an electrical strike, everyone melded into one and miracles materialized. The shining path appeared - right through the overtime drive. One, two, three and done.

Will the Super Bowl be another miracle? The team chart is the core of the matter and Aquarius comes forward this time in opposition to their Leo sun. They need a worthy opponent to push against to win Saturn's approval once again. Then Uranus, the wild card of the planets and ruler of Aquarius, can shape-shift chaos into genius. The Super Bowl charts for the last two years are quite similar as is the Seahawks' progressed chart. This year may be a more up front and personally emotional game for the 'Hawks. The secret key is to think like spiritual warriors with focused intensity full of respect, love and compassion for teammates and opponents.

Miracles, the likes of which we saw in the NFC game, are rare. But miracles, they say, are expressions of natural law, and the Seahawks are built on solid turf. Pete Carroll, the Virgo strategist, is unlikely to lose sight of reality.  The sign of miracles is Pisces – a water sign which is heavily represented in the chart of the big day, in the 'Hawks progressed chart and especially in Carroll's. He's brought in the miracle making tools of Pisces - meditation, tai-chi, and yoga. Ultimately, his genius lies in showing us that you can do everything right, but to invite the miracle in, you must add love.

For us, the bystanders, the fans, the observers, the hidden miracle we were privy to was seeing the Age of Aquarius arrive on the wings of the Seahawks. We are entering a 2,600 year age. We should be taking mere baby steps in the new direction. But, it seems the Seahawks got the Aquarian Age memo before the rest of us and they have forged ahead with the new blueprint. The formula: build up every person until he is radiant in his own right and teach him to collaborate with the larger group to bring forth something new and exciting - a better team, a better world. They showed us our future and we can honor our 'Hawks by applying these ideals in daily life and being rewarded, individually and collectively.

What does the future hold for the 'Hawks?  Would we want to know ahead of time? Really? No, we love football because on any given day anything can happen - especially when stars and destiny collide on a football field.

No doubt!