O Stars Above: Scorpio New Moon

An Abundance of Dark Brings Light


The new moon brings the darkest time of the month and the sun in Scorpio is one of the darkest months of the year. A breath prior to the new moon, the dark of the moon holds a review. What do we want to leave behind and what did we learn that we want to move forward. In another breath, the New Moon arrives and we peer ahead planting new seeds of intention for our future. Emphasising the theme of darkness, the Scorpio New Moon (Nov 18, 3:42 am PST) arrives in the deep dark of the night. What's with all this dark!?!

“Dark,” “night,” and the “water” of Scorpio are metaphors for our interior world. It's time to dig deep into the closet of our emotional life, especially with Jupiter's arrival into watery Scorpio after a twelve years absence. She's accompanied by Venus in Scorpio and brings a torch of faith and optimism to assist in our inner sortings. Treasures we had long buried, such as the tool or skill we are accused of possessing - but can't see in ourselves - may come to the light of Self-consciousness. (Who me? Courage?) Personal baggage, like our bogey-man, isn't scary any more and so we let go.

Leaves dropping off a tree uncover parasites such as ivy, or insects overtaking the tree, dooming it's future. Pruning needs and signs of missing nutrients show up and we can see the stark beauty of the tree's structure. Scorpio energy strips us down to bare essence, too, revealing where we need to lose the fluff and let the beauty of our core shine through. Slowly, we release what we don't need make to room for activities, people, and adventures that regenerate our zest for life. It's the coming year's work but worth the effort as our best selves come forward naturally.

Whatever obstacles you find this fall that separates you from your essential self is a peek into the inner maintenance needed for your future. They say, “Winter is coming!” Scorpio, in the midst of darkness, responds, “Spring will return.”

Horoscopes November 18 - December 3

Scorpio, you're in for new realization in how you present yourself and whether it results in opportunities you want. Re-invent yourself aligned with inner passions to bring excellent results.

Unconscious restlessness around relationships make you your own worst enemy.

Sagittarius, it's an embarrassment (literally) of riches in realizing how you undermine yourself. Negative self-talk, dwelling on the negative in the situation? Maybe, but what about the issue of pushing your good away? Fairies and angels - okay, good helpers - show you corrections.

Capricorn, it might surprise you how much your friends support and promote you. If they aren't, an editing of friends or groups is at hand. Go where you are naturally accepted and can be yourself. Ask for help if needed - come on, it's only fair - you'd help them. In fact, you have!

Aquarius, if you aren't doing the work that fulfills you, shake your web for an abundance of possibilities and people to open doors for you. Move yourself into work where you feel passion and energy return. It may be stepping up right where you are. Make it so.

Pisces, being stable doesn't mean quit exploring new possibilities, discoveries and adventures. Trust your higher Self to guide you out of your comfort zone. Pay attention when it feels right. Routine is great but inspiration lifts you up high enough to remember what you do and why.

Aries, aligning with partners doesn't mean taking over what's theirs whether it's belongings or the work only they can do for themselves. Interestingly, what you want to save them from may be the very thing you need to save yourself from. Own it, hot dog!

Taurus, the dark brings light to your closest relationships. Are they supporting you as much as you support them? Are you an equal partner? If it's out of balance, it shows up now and some may need to be cut free. Healthy and mutually beneficial ties are blessed.

Gemini, it's truth time for how well you are taking care of yourself. Over-commitment needs to stop, saying no needs to step up, and slowing down lets you catch up on duties and obligations you're sidestepping altogether. Your health talks to you. Your partner talks to you. Are you listening?

Cancer, fun and games take stage-center reminding you fun is an essential life ingredient. But, too much of a good thing can be a procrastination. Too much of the wrong thing can be endeadening! Be sure play time truly re-creates your joie-de-vive! Also...call your kids.

Leo, this month stresses the parts of you and your relationships that the August eclipses ignited. Family gives you roots but if you're too attached or responsive to them, you miss opportunities for growth. Have faith and reach up while putting roots down deep.

Virgo, speak up. This is no time for quietly planning, time-lines and to-do lists. Let everyone know what you are up to and get the family's buy-in. Get daily routines in order so you can get down to the business of being you. Support the lifestyle, the people and activities you want.

Libra, drop the baggage of what you no longer value whether it is a possession, a task, a skill, or an obligation. Let go of the fluffy-looks-good-stuff-but-I-have-to-dust-it and free up time and energy so you can fly. Get current with your values and live them.

O Stars Above: Pisces Full Moon

Emotional High Tide or Light-Hearted Joy


Leo came in like a wrecking ball shaking us awake. In the aftermath, we find ourselves in a whole new ballgame. We've left something behind, but can barely remember what it was (maybe our bloated egos?) and are rushing into our changing future.

Whatever we released is what kept us from living life from our golden hearts. With courage and hearts intact, we arrive at Virgo's door where service comes naturally because she knows the great secret. Connection to Spirit lies in our hearts. Forget that and here comes those bloated egos, again!

The second new moon in Leo created a switcheroo in the cosmic line-up. Instead of a new moon followed by a full moon in its sign, this game introduces a different batting order. Now the new moon is followed by the full moon of the next sign with its new moon trailing along later. In this set-up, the full moon crisis makes clear what intentions or corrections are needed at the new moon.

High tides of emotions flood in with the Pisces full moon (September 6 at 12:02 am PDT). We feel the servitude, drudge and persnickety attitude that happens when we do Virgo's routines without heart. (Yuck.) We feel all 'a-lone' because we are the only ones working, the only ones who can do it right. (Sniff.) Will we slide into a Pisces pity-party forgetting that we are 'all-one'?

Being aware of changing emotions in and around us and letting them flow shifts everything. Spending time in nature can return us to simplicity and help us find the sacred witness within who watches the dance of love that we are all attempting. Compassion for our feeble attempts reveals the magic of Pisces and the joy of All-One-ness.

At the very least, the full moon shows us what emotions pull us out of our hearts and where we must relax and find the light-hearted joy in daily life.

Horoscope September 6 – 15

Virgo, Leo's excitement threw you into the vast Collective Mind. (And you thought your mind was busy.) It's a foggy mess in there but Mars calms down, Mercury turns out of retrograde and you can get back to work with a new sense of why. Compassion flows.

Libra, much as you'd like some quiet and less work behind the scenes, the party continues as you engage wonderful new contacts, a showy lot who adore you which makes them irresistible! Some prove to be all show, no go. No problem, your social and work calendar is full. Next!

Scorpio, sometimes play is the re-creation of ourselves or simply an escape from reality. Hmmm...whatever, you need some. Take a pragmatic view of networking and your social sphere. Who is helping you do what? After a month in the limelight, new possibilities emerge. Get a strategy!

Sagittarius, the last few years were hard work and you're seen in a new light - which gets better everyday. Don't quit yet - except on what you don't want. Plan, then spend time and energy until the new year consolidating opportunities you do want. Go to your roots and from there, fly!

Capricorn, talking about dreams and aspirations illuminate them. The best ones open far horizons in terms of philosophical beliefs. Know who your true friends are, especially in business. The best use of this moon is moving pragmatic goals ahead by doing the details. Make it real.

Aquarius, your values and self-worth are being reviewed. It's hard to get a hold of those concepts about yourself and easy to fall into illusions or fantasies about your true worth. Sometimes in knowing your closest partners' values you can see your own. Align yours and theirs.

Pisces, your moon and your ruler, Neptune, stand out front where all is revealed. You may feel vulnerable. You may find that vulnerability is both your strength and most endearing quality. Transparency enhances your position even in business. True partners align with you.

Aries, Mars moves from fire to earth and you have work to do. First, what burned itself out in the fire of Leo's clarity? What excesses, what ego-based goals? Your heart is burned clean. Choose goals wisely and upgrade your diet, exercise and sleep routines. You need a body to play the game.

Taurus, as practical as you are, you're a softy: supporting charities and a sucker for your family, especially your progeny. (This is our little secret.) Consider expanding your idea of family and children to other creative endeavors and collaborators? This is the lesson for the next two years.

Gemini, at the root, you're logical and confident in that ability. Your roots and standing in the community are up for reconsideration. As for your standing, don't fool yourself in either fantasy or disillusionment. You're extra sensitive to how you're seen. Remember trees grow from the roots up.

Cancer, intuitively you can sort real possibilities from fantasies even as you let dreams fly in the process of finding your next one. They must add to life in caring, practical ways. Leo's fire-storm cleared the view of your worth. That is still in process, but the outcome is a harvest and a foundation.

Leo, the trail you are blazing goes on for some time with more being revealed in who you are, how you present yourself and how you are received. What you value and what you bring to the table has never been clearer to you. Only invest where there is total alignment.





2nd Leo New Moon - Total Solar Eclipse

Second New Moon, Second Eclipse:
Change, Change, Change


Note: Also See The Blog: Do We Stay or Do We Go?

Eclipses are super-duper new or full moons that occur four to five times a year. This new moon's total eclipse of the sun (Monday, August 21 at 11:30 am. PDT) pours on the energy with the eclipsed sun in the unusual position of being the second new moon in the sign of Leo. This majestic sun, the very ruler of Leo, should completely command the moment. But, no! It is plays second fiddle to the moon.

Representing our will and action, the sun bows to the moon who completely covers it and provides a quiet break in overheated actions. The moon, representing our inner world, steps forward with soul yearnings, giving us a reality check on how we use our light. Are we shining our heart-light in our worldly actions or scorching the earth with overblown egos?

Stories and dramas spring from the misguided ego which is Leo's shadow. As frightening as it is to see the noon day sun disappear, it's equally as frightening to see the unconscious antics of our egos, who mistakenly think they are keeping us safe. But, the Leo Sun encourages taking risks and being visible, not as actors wearing masks, but as our true selves - golden hearts.

In the Pacific Northwest, the eclipse lasts two minutes and nineteen seconds. The Leo Moon in her moment says, “Quiet. Feel the longing of your heart. Reclaim your innocence and let love's radiance shine through you.”

Can we take this time, wherever we are, to contemplate the great mystery of our existence on this tiny planet? Can we consider what our one precious life can do when we come from love?

When the sun reappears, we can choose to return to 'normal' life. Or we could remember who we are and make life-affirming choices. We could trust that our simplest actions make all the difference in the world - when our heart-lights shine like the sun.

Horoscopes – August 21 – September 6

Leo, this month has brought you powerful energies that spiral out over the next two years. Use it to well. Find your courage to live the truth and integrity of your heart with your natural grace and dignity. When you do, you won't have time to waste because your presence inspires others.

Virgo, your mission to serve the collective isn't about out there. It is about serving from your inner love and knowing what to do naturally. With Mercury retrograde, review this viewpoint. What would the Goddess do? She's speaking to you, and, frankly, it's less than you think. Shh, listen.

Libra, consider how you bring beauty and harmony to your broader community. Art and humanities nurture people and understanding those principles empower people whether they are choosing public art or new nail polish. Spread the grace of a beautiful life even at work.

Scorpio, your mission is leading at work from a courageous heart whether you are the boss or not. Show us the transparent, powerful strategies of bringing everyone on stage. Take on big problems and use your piercing skills to empower others to follow your example, maybe even the boss.

Sagittarius, your mission is to broadcast the bright, light-bearing ideas, to expand horizons so your natural partners can collaborate in a future where no child or any other person is left out. Maybe, you can reclaim the earth and her animals in the process. Big mission, but you love it!

Capricorn, behind the scenes, use whatever power and authority you have to empower others. Be transparent and doing the right thing for employees, employer, clients, colleagues and friends and family. Top of the mountain is lonely without a productive party! Besides, you'll go further.

Aquarius, ah, you stand for the masses, but not at the expense of the heart day your dearest mates and honey. Let them inspire light-hearted leadership. Find the biggest, roundest table you can and fill it with open-hearted people solving society's problems, large and small. Then, do it again.

Pisces, work must feed your soul. If it doesn't, your mission plummets from compassion to self-pity. Sacrifice is old hat and hardens your heart. Take up the inner fight for the right to shine. Psst, you have powerful friends with their eyes on you. Shine on!

Aries, you need no urging to be yourself! Play full out, lean into it and make it fun and show us how we can, too. Playing for yourself alone empties the playing field and grandstands. Poof, no playmates! So bring us along on your adventure in a way that makes us think it's ours!

Taurus, eclipses over the next few years mean change, change, change at home and in your career. Pretend it's your idea and lead the parade, you'll need the practice come next spring! Even pragmatics need to show their tender hearts. Work colleagues and family respond with dividends.

Gemini, shine on in your neighborhood and daily circuit. Talk it up, chat with everyone, introduce neighbors to neighbors. This frivolous appearing activity builds society from the ground up and binds us together. See, we need you. Reflect on the realities of your house – remodel or repair?

Cancer, you know the value of your empathetic heart. Feel the love return and know you're worthy of it. Your mission of weaving us into a one-world family nurtures your heart and soul, even as you nurture ours. That's what care-taking is about, hearts and souls, not 'just' cooking!






O Stars Above: Leo New Moon

Leo's Heroic Quest: Re-igniting Our Courageous Hearts

The messy cosmic weather promised for the full moon of July 8 appeared in a sniper on a sailboat holding boaters, businesses and homes at bay in Bainbridge Island's Eagle Harbor. The sniper, whose activities began within minutes of the full moon, did not live to tell his tale, but his actions will fuel future stories of those who endured a frightful few hours.

Cosmic action unfolds like a matinee's serial adventure. Mars, co-starring with the last few moons, remains on stage ramping up adventures. With planets partying in playful and courageous Leo, we may rearrange our lives so we remember to delight in life and ourselves.

Leo's new moon (July 23 at 2:45 a.m. PDT) ruled by the Sun itself, focuses on our vitality and willingness to be seen. We must re-commit to what brings energy and lightness to our hearts where it is natural to express warmth and generosity of spirit.

Two new moons instead of the usual one add weight to Leo's urges. Additionally, a lunar (Aug 7) and solar (Aug 21) eclipse are on the horizon interrupting the Sun and Moon's normal light and function. The switch up shows us where our inner Leo lives in the light of awareness and the dark of denial – and reminds us of the cost of denial.

Leo's shadow shows up in bullying, pompousity and constant demands for attention. The perpetrator remains oblivious while observers cringe at his obvious ineptitude. Perhaps the pain and disappointment on our national stage acts as a cautionary tale reminding us of how we look when we fail to clean up our petty dramas.

Only we know where our hearts are broken and what we must do to mend them. Therein, lies the heroic quest of Leo. When we undertake this task, we return to the innocence of the true Leo, a Golden Child with a courageous heart and on fire with life.

Horoscopes July 23 – August 7

Leo, at center stage, spotlights show every flaw. Few dare stand there but amp-ed up courage lets you look deeper at your reflection in your audience's eyes and shadows. You know the work and integrity it takes to live your life with your heart open. Polish your image!

Virgo, give your to-do list away. The collective unconscious beams powerful messages to you in quiet times. They fuel your coming year. Some point to unfinished business and some you receive for the group. You can't 'think' this through. Peace. Be still...and charitable.

Libra, until autumn, opportunities abound. The best partnership work happens when you speak your truth. Stand in your heart and tell yourself what you really, really want. You know people who know people. Let them help you find your balance.

Scorpio, the sun shines on you at work thanks to your creativity. Take a bow and let this infusion of energy inspire you. Are you surprised to be so appreciated? Does it stir up longing for more? Radiance and shadow. Watch and learn, Grasshopper, about yourself.

Sagittarius, expand your horizon through fun, daring and discovery. Many are pulling for you. Don't step off the ledge until your squirrel suit is zipped tight but the winds can carry you far if you've prepared over the last two years. High flying, Rocky, and happy landing.

Capricorn, oh, lordy, will this transformation process never end? Digging too deep and tearing open old wounds could smack of hubris. Use your creativity to dig yourself out of a downer and find the hidden warmth and gold of your heart. Friends lighten your load.

Aquarius, the world will survive just fine if you take your dearest heart out to play. A date, a romance: hold hands, revisit the old haunts, stir the magic and fun of the two of you. Some months are about humanitarian visions. This one is about the two of you.

Pisces, among your colleagues, you are quite a star in small day-to-day ways. Creativity doesn't have to be 'art.' It can be how you put it together each shining piece of your life. Like making work fun, competitive and exciting for the whole group. Yep, they think you're fun!

Aries, wherever you go, you bring the party, and kids love you because you pay attention to them, play with them, and take them (and you) on grand adventures! This is the lesson you are relearning – life has to be fun and a little risky! No taking yourself seriously.

Taurus, diversify your resources by investing time with your family. Shine the light of your attention on them. Bring all of your radiance through the door to them at the end of the work day. Courage to live from your heart - at home - is the ultimate asset.

Gemini, get out, be seen and expand your neighborhood. Open your eyes to what you don't see daily just outside your door. People have their hearts open to you. Hang out, chat, feel the goodness of being alive. Daily life, little routines, you love this stuff! Don't miss it.

Cancer, do not waste any time, energy, or your brilliance on what you don't value – or with those who don't value you! You are a powerful force even when you can't see it. Can a lighthouse see its own light? No! But it shines it far and wide for the benefit of many. We flock at your feet.










O Stars Above: Gemini New Moon

Read It In The News - Feel it in the Stars

Alan Shepard, Project Mercury.

Alan Shepard, Project Mercury.

Want to know what's happening astrologically? Watch the headlines. We are the shakers and movers that translate celestial energy into reportable actions. Headlines at the full moon of May 10 directly related to Scorpio: FBI director fired, Hanford's plutonium waste exposed, and earthquakes shook us awake.

Astrology led the way as the first science when humans noted a cause and effect relation between movements of the vast sky and the antics of the village people. Without a doubt, the first person to add those two events together was a Gemini, whose New Moon (May 25, 12:44 pm PST) activates our need, nay, our craving, for curiosity, diversity and relationship.

Gemini systems fire on all cylinders driving us to rock 'n roll in life with the vigor of hyperactive teenagers. The new moon's monthly meet-up is bound to be as riff with innovative ideas and interrupted sentences as a monologue by Robin Williams!

Ultimately, Gemini's write headlines. They perceive, talk, listen, teach, coach, interview, negotiate, broker, write, relate and stimulate people to break out of their restricted points of view so we can learn from each other and live together. They seek out the fringes, crossroads, market places and oddities to make us whole and appreciate the differences among us.

Gemini's inquisitiveness takes them far - even into space. NASA chose Gemini's ruling planet's name for the first manned missions, Project Mercury, and followed up with Project Gemini which shot astronauts to the moon and back.

This moon, conversing with the asteroid goddesses, asks us to listen and receive instructions before we sling-shot into action. Conscious sacrifices, making amends or granting forgiveness may balance societal and personal needs while our Gemini president's overactive nervous system tweets away.

As always, free will let's us choose how to use universal urgings. Conscious or not, Gemini's energy moves through us into the headlines.

Horoscope May 25 to June 9

Gemini, with Mars in chatterbox mode, a whole lot of talking is going on. Using heartfelt words to mend bridges and heal hurts is your super-power! People find your curiosity charming and want to hear what you have to say. Speak up on your own behalf.

Cancer, brain chatter drains your body, so piddle away at something needing minimal attention so you can rest. Let your most grounded and loving friends carry you. Allw a soulful healing comes to you. Rest more, be gentle and flow.

Leo, this is a big month to align your agenda with your broad based networks. Use personal appearances and contacts to accomplish your goals. Get in front of as many people as possible and don't squander opportunities chattering mindlessly. Talk on purpose.

Virgo, put forward moving Mercury to good use by giving it real world jobs to do. Many balls are in the air - you must delegate - but guess what? No one does it the way you do, so take time to give good instructions. You LOVE managing a great project!

Libra, you know everyone has a proper place and you are determined to find yours and help others find theirs. Articulating new beliefs is the job at hand based on your foundation of wisdom. You MUST be you in all relationships! Now is the time to quite hedging your bets.

Scorpio, your own moodiness can keep you stuck but wise counselors, consultants and elders talk you through it. You need a personal board of directors because change is afoot! The only way to look in charge is lead the parade. Get out front and show your style.

Sagittarius, ease up on your imperfections. Yes, they're there and your job is to heal them but, we all have them and can't see yours for looking at our own. Talking less and saying more in the relationships nearest your heart revives your partnerships.

Capricorn, can you say lifestyle changes? Reading and talking about it doesn't get the job done. You must DO IT! Pick one that feels right and stick with it. This is about your health. You have to have a body to play the game of life. Think of it as applied management – applied to you!

Aquarius, you need two things right now. Be yourself and have enough playmates to make life fun. Party, play and recreate on purpose – travel for educational, cocktail parties for charities, coaching for community involvement. Share your weird self!

Pisces, on one hand you want to retreat home. On the other, you want stimulation. Have a party full of like- and diverse-minded people. Then hang-out, listen, absorb and re-energize. Invite the most interesting people you know and ask them to bring their friends. Many channels are opening.

Aries, loving yourself is not half the work, it's the whole enchilada. You've been under renovations to become irrevocably, irrepresible you. Drop those who don't get the new you and hang with those who love the way you are. Invest energy close to home: neighborhood, siblings family.

Taurus, make a list and go after what you revel in because more is coming your way. Be your most calm, engaging and charming self - you know, honey, not vinegar and all that jazz. It's a great time for a physical make-over so your outside style matches the updated inner you.